Monday, February 21, 2011

Franny Continues to be a Champ

I just got off the phone with the vet, who said Franny is consistently able to keep down very small amounts of food, which is excellent news after intestinal surgery.  She is still in danger of having her intestinal incisions reopen, so until Day 5 she is still in critical condition with a guarded prognosis.  However, she is looking forward to visiting hours today.

We have also, with all of your support, raised over $2,000.  I woke up this morning with such faith in people.  Family, friends, and strangers have offered so many different kinds of support, and that is one of the beautiful things in the world.

The fact that Franny was abandoned and rescued probably contributes to her ability to fight for her life.  After the initial attack, Franny ran away to die alone, as dogs do, with all of her little guts hanging out of her.  But too many people wanted her to fight to keep living, and so she decided she'd better do just that. She is fighting still, but all the money you've given gives her a chance to stay alive.

Go give your doggies an extra kiss from us and Franny.

With gratitude,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellen,
    I'm so sorry to hear about Franny. I know how traumatizing and scary dog attacks can be. My Jolene was attacked in McCarren park. She healed well and I believe Franny will too. Sending $$, love, and positive energy all the way to Cali.


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